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Steered by Deniz Sevinc, Martín Vittone, and Traci Matlock, Alt Tango is a diverse collective of tango enthusiasts. We unite to champion diversity and affirmation, hosting events, sponsoring activities, and creating content that nurtures artistic expression and safe & inclusive dance communities.

From intimate milongas and practicas to large-scale festivals, our goal is to host innovative parties that span multiple cities, countries, and continents. We strive to construct spaces that invigorate exploration and deepen personal journeys through the dance of tango.

Our endeavor is a dynamic process, and we ardently welcome collaborations with artists, organizations, and other events. If you're an artist—be it a teacher, musician, or performer— or represent an organization or event that shares our passion for tango, we'd love to hear from you.

Your involvement, comments, and suggestions can help us shape our vibrant tango landscape. Reach out to us anytime!

alt space | alt vibes | alt tango

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